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Harry B Sintim-Aboagye – Ghana Country Manager, Pan Andean Resources Ltd. (Ghana)

Harry B Sintim-Aboagye is based in Ghana and is an experienced businessman with multiple interests in Ghana. Harry introduced the Ghana Concession opportunity to Clontarf Energy group. Harry is a shareholder in Abbey Oil & Gas Limited, which owns 10 per cent of Pan Andean Resources Ltd, itself the holder of the Tano 2A Petroleum Licence.

Dipti Metha – Accountant for the Enlarged Group (Ireland)

Dipti Metha is a registered public accountant and is also an Associate of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (ACIS), Zimbabwe and UK. She worked at Coopers & Lybrand from 1993 to 1997, during which time she acquired a managerial position.

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